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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6- Geography

I was flipping through an atlas today, and was looking at some of the smaller country names. At this point, I was thinking of demonyms. A demonym is what you call a person from where they live. For example, I am from America, so I am an American. Someone from Spain would be a Spaniard, and so on. Anyway, one of the countries I noticed was Monaco. Monaco is a very tiny country that is entirely city and is on the Mediterranean Sea. And though I knew all of that, I didn't know what you called a person from Monaco, which brings me to my question of the day: What do you call a person from Monaco?

You call someone from Monaco a Monégasque or Monagasque.
If you would like to learn more about Monaco, visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaco


  1. Jack - from your description, it is unclear whether demonyms refer both nouns (as your example for America) and adjectives (as in your example for Spain) or just to nouns.

  2. A demonym is what a person says they are when refering to their country of residence. I don't believe it refers to anything except Proper Nouns. If you were to say "I had Mexican tacos for dinner last night", Mexican wouldn't be a demonym, at least to my understanding of the definition. Demos is the Greek word for populace and onym is the suffix for the name. If you would like to read more about it try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaco Thanks for commenting, and feel free to become a "follower"!

  3. Sorry about that, the correct address is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonym I got confused!

  4. OK. Threw me off that you did not refer to an individual from Spain as a Spaniard.
    And I do follow this, but under one of my secret identities (turns out that I had already signed up under google some time ago).

  5. No idea why it lists me on the followers as "vsons", but lists me under comments as "Nightwing1".

  6. Woops, I meant Spaniard. Usually I get that stuff!
