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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20- Geography

Last year, I was given a week to pick a country to study for the rest of the school year, and give numerous reports on. And I, being the procrastinator that I am, (which you can tell since I'm posting this at 10:08pm) Picked a country off the list 5 minutes before the choosing time was due. I mostly picked this country because it had a cool name, and I didn't know much about it. Later, as I would find out to my chagrin, there was almost no information online about it. However, I did find one fact about this eccentric little country, that has stuck with me today. So my daily question is: What is the only landlocked country to be landlocked by landlocked countries, in Europe?

The country I did a report on, and is landlocked by landlocked countries in Europe, is Liechtenstein.

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