Welcome to The Daily Question, a blog dedicated to the advancements in modern random fact gathering. A new question will be posted everyday, about almost anything, so please check back soon. Also, feel free to check out the archives, which are full of more fun facts. Have fun!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21- Sports

It is my deepest pleasure to write this question today, because I believe it captures the essence of The Daily Question more than any question so far. The original reason I started the blog was so that I would have an excuse to ask questions, and, more importantly, have an excuse to look it up. The background of this story begins with my baseball team watching the Varsity Team during a game. Awhile into the game, (baseball is a dreadfully long sport) one of the guys looks up and says "I wonder if a bird has ever gotten hit by a pitch..?" Of course, I thought to myself wow that might be a pretty good daily question... has a bird ever gotten hit by a pi....
And then, before the thought could even be completed, another player looks up and says the date, the player who hit the bird, and team he was on. I was stunned. I certainly didn't know that, but someone else on my team did, and that is the point of the blog. To find the daily dose of intellectual awesomeness in each other. Not to post random facts each day, but to actively encourage myself, and hopefully my readers to search for the random, the ridiculous, the unknown, because isn't that what learning is about? So with that little sentimental Daily Thought, I give today's Daily Question: Who most recently hit a bird with a pitch in a major league game, and what team was he on?

His name was Randy Johnson, and he happened to be playing for the Arizona Diamondbacks on March 24, 2001 when he hit an unlucky dove.


  1. Really well written and thoughtful...never stop asking questions Jack

  2. Has a bird ever been by a "hit".

  3. Has a bird ever been hit by a "hit"
