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Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2- Random

So today, after participating in town green-up day, the volunteers all gathered and had a big lunch. One of the things I enjoyed was a nice big sandwich with salami on it, a delicious meat with the shape of a sausage and fermented in bacteria. Anyway, it was pretty good. But after it, I began to wonder about the history of this noble meat. As it turns out, salami has a long and proud history, (It could only be made by the finest meat artists) starting in the Mediterranean area and working its way into the hearts and stomachs of the whole world. And all this salami history brings me to my question of the day: When and where was the worlds longest salami made, and how long was it?

The longest salami on record was 500 feet long, (200 longer than the Statue of Liberty). It was made in Denmark in 2003.

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