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Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28- Sports

Have you ever noticed how strange the Olympics would sound to someone who has never heard of them? Now I know most people have heard of the Olympics, but think about how crazy it sound. Amateurs from all different countries gather in one host country to compete in a bunch of random sports, sometimes in freezing weather, and never for pay. And yet, every 4 years, the Earth is graced with either summer or winter Olympics, always a monolithic sporting, event, no, epic, no matter where you are on the planet. But as you might know, for over 1,000 years, the Olympics weren't around. It wasn't until recently that the "modern" Olympics were started. So with that, I ask my daily question: Where and when were the first modern Olympics held?

The first modern Olympics games were held in Greece in 1896.

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