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Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10- Presidents

Sorry it took me so long to post today, but I got distracted, it being Mother's Day and all. Anyway, I spent today at the Sheep and Wool festival (it's the Mother's Day tradition), and everything reminded me of old "tymes". Herding dogs were about, just doing there thing, the smell of cooked meat lingered in the air, and if an alpaca roamed in front of you, who cares? In all of this quaint simplicity (wow, I'm on an adjective roll!) I was thinking of our Founding Fathers who grew up just this way, on a small farm, in a log cabin. Which brings me to my daily question: How many presidents, and which ones, grew up/ were born in log cabins?

Of all of our presidents, 8 have been born in a log cabin. Taylor (Ole Ruff n' Ready), Polk, Pierce, Garfield, Lincoln, Buchanan, Fillmore, Jackson. Ironically, William Henry Harrison was born in a Virginia mansion (one of the last "Virginian Elite" presidents), but won his campaign with a "log cabin and hard cider" slogan. Another interesting point is that of those 8, 4 were important generals.

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