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Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22- Music

Since this is in fact the Daily Question, I promise: no more poetics this week. So for now I'll stick with the basics, and today those basics happen to be about music. You hear about it all the time. An album went platinum. Who cares?! Not that that's not a big accomplishment, but you hear about it often, as I stated before. Now double platinum, that's cool. Triple platinum, you're getting up there. In case you don't know how many records it takes to make platinum, it's 1,000,000 (or about how many people took my presidents quiz on Facebook) . But this question has to do with insane sales. Only a few musical geniuses (or pop icons, if you are so inclined to be argumentative) can claim the title of a "Diamond Record". So, for my daily question, I ask: How many albums do you have to sell to get a Diamond Record?

The magic number is 10,000,000. (Oh, and by the way, Gold is 500,000. That's pretty cool too :)

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