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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19- Science

There are many ways to define worst, especially when dealing with hurricanes; How many homes were destroyed, how much it cost insurance companies, the possibilities are endless. So for this question, I won't ask which was the worst hurricane ever, this question will be more specific. The year is 1979. A tropical storm is building up steam in the Pacific Ocean. After it passes over Guam, it gains speed. Eventually, it becomes the "largest and most intense tropical cyclone on record". It also holds the lowest sea-level pressure on record of 870 mbar. (The average is 1013 mbar.) So for my daily question, I ask: What is the name of this tropical cyclone?

The name of the cyclone is "Typhoon Tip".
For more info visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon_Tip

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