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Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1- History

I don't mean to brag, but I have quite an extensive iTunes collection. Miles Davis, Grateful Dead, Talking Heads-you name it, its on there. But with a great iTunes library, also comes embarrassment. One time, I was talking to my friend on the phone and listening to my iPod on shuffle, and it was blasting over the speakers, and then, to my dismay and utter chagrin, ABBA pops on. I had a good reason, it was on there for a mix tape I had previously made for my mom, but the deed had been done. So why am I telling you this? Well, it's not an interesting story, but is in fact a quintessential anecdote! You see, the song that popped on was Waterloo, and being the history buff that I am, decided to check out the lyrics to see if there was any relation to the famous battle; and in fact, there was! The songs states: My, my/ At Waterloo Napoleon did surrender. Anyway, you can see where this is going. So for my daily question, I ask: Where was the Battle of Waterloo and what was it about?

The Battle of Waterloo was Napoleon's last ditch attempt to save his thrown on his 100 days back from exile during the Waterloo Campaign. Napoleon was eventually forced to surrender. It was fought just South of Brussels, Belgium in Waterloo. The sides were basically France against all the other major European powers to protect their interests.


  1. The person who received your mix tape appreciates the sacrifice that was made:)

  2. Who doesn't love ABBA!?! I know I do, especially now that I know that they are as into history as you, and I! Mama mia!

  3. To save his "thrown"? You are relying too heavily on spell check, friend.
    Search online for "ladle rat rotten hut" for an example of where such laziness leads.
    No one should feel ashamed to like ABBA. Or, any other group that one happens to like.
