Welcome to The Daily Question, a blog dedicated to the advancements in modern random fact gathering. A new question will be posted everyday, about almost anything, so please check back soon. Also, feel free to check out the archives, which are full of more fun facts. Have fun!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18- Random

A few weeks of vacation has given me time to ponder over the blog. Is a format change necessary? Should I make it more interactive? Over the next few weeks I'll be looking at other blogs, and experimenting with my own to figure out how best to conduct The Question. If you have any ideas, please leave a comment. Anyway, I probably should commence in the question for today. The reason I haven't been blogging was because I've been in the capitol. Now, when you're in the capitol, it is impossible not to notice the Washington Monument. Since the buildings in the city are size restricted, the monument is able to tower majestically over everything else. But, if you notice, a third of the way up the monument changes color. So today, I ask, why is the symbol of our founding father's greatness multicolor?

Today, I will be trying out a new format, the format being no posted answer. Please comment if you like or dislike, or even better, about the answer.

1 comment:

  1. OK, so I like that you aren't posting the answer immediately. It makes this much more fun...

    I'd like to venture a guess at the answer to today's question. Does it have something to do with when the building project was started the couldn't finish initially because of a lack of money?
