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Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23- Sports

Wow, aren't you guys lucky. I plum forgot that Thursday is SPORTS day, and Friday is MUSIC day. So, the only possible solution is I do another question today about sports, and one tomorrow about music. Anyway, this question has to do with America's pastime, Baseball. Since the 1870's, baseball has been a huge American sport, but as the sport became popular, people wanted to watch better players, and so came Major League Baseball. And with these new teams, stadiums were built. Which brings me to my question: Where was the oldest MLB stadium built. (Bonus: when was it built?)

The oldest MLB stadium was built in Boston in 1871. It belonged to the Boston Braves, and was called South End Grounds.

For more info visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Major_League_Baseball_stadiums

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